
Showing posts from October, 2022

Invasive Species - Curlyleaf Pondweed

The curlyleaf pondweed is an invasive species in the United States and is of particular trouble in the Upper Truckee River Watershed. Curlyleaf pondweed is a difficult species to control and will often outcompete native species in areas it invades. The following slides provide an in-depth look at the curlyleaf pondweed.

Watershed Delineation Tools

 The following slides provide a comparison of web-based watershed delineation tools. 

Threats to the Upper Truckee River Watershed

 The following slides contain what I think is one of the largest threats to the Upper Truckee River Watershed: drought. Increased drought is becoming more prevalent due to global climate change and could have devastating effects on the watershed and those who rely on it.